Jesus, Rescue Me!

How many times has Jesus called out to me and asked me to climb out of the boat? And how many of those times he asked, did I? But in the times I did, I was amazed at how easily I could do things I didn’t think I could do; things I could only do with Jesus leading. He makes me bold, and gives me the power to do such great things.

But too often, when I stop moving towards Jesus, I am given the opportunity to look around and see the reality of the world around me, and the waves seem so much higher than they did before. One moment I am in awe of His love and power, and I feel invincible and unstoppable because He is there, walking by my side or walking ahead and showing me the way. But just for a moment, I take my eyes off Jesus, and the waves consume me. I sink into what I see as reality, and turn off his power like a switch.

Ironically, His power is always available to me, but it is in these moments—through these times—that I get unplugged from my Power. My life source is no longer feeding me, and I am destined to run down. I don’t mean to, I’d like to stay plugged in all the time. I’d like to stay out on the water and live in wonder in the presence of God.

But Satan roars like a lion and I turn my head. And that moment is all he needs to unplug me and send me to the murky depths. And then he laughs like a hyena.

But here’s the joyously good news:

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Matthew 14:30-31

Because you are at my right hand I will not be shaken… For you will not abandon me to the grave. Psalm 16:8,10

He gives me the power to do everything when I am with him. And He sustains me and rescues me when I am without Him.

So where exactly is my trouble?